Blessing is so far a purely instinctual creature. She doesn't self examine or reflect on things at all. Last night, she had little break through and I was thankful to have a real conversation with her about something that was on her mind outside of food and what toy/item of clothing that she thinks she needs.
Blessing: Mom, sometimes I get mad and I am freaking out and I say something that will make you mad.
Me: That's okay sweetheart. We all say things sometimes that we don't mean.
Blessing: I don't really mean it. I am just freaking out.
Me: What did you say.
Blessing: I don't want to tell you (but obviously she did)
Me: Is it like when you say "I hate you?"
Blessing: I don't hate you.
Me: I know, but sometimes you say that when you are mad.
Blessing: I know. Sometimes I say I want to go . . . (she fades out)
Me: You want to go back to Liberia?
Blessing: (Nods with wide eyes and looks a little frightened) But I don't want to go back.
Me: I know honey.
Blessing: I was just freaking out
Me: It's okay