Theo and Blessing eat fish heads and chicken bones. Since I don't serve fish with heads, I have not witnessed the former, but Kyle and Zach have seen Theo munch a fish head at scout camp. And, when Blessing heard about it, she was jealous saying she, "loves the eyes!"
While the rest of my family reacts with different stages of amusement and/or disgust, I have tried to take it all in stride. After all, this is their culture or tradition or whatever. At least that is what I thought, until I overheard a little exchange between T & B. I wanted to write it down so I will remember it.
Theo doesn't eat chicken bones anymore. When Blessing asked him why he wasn't eating his bones, his response made me again realize the life my son and daughter have lived. He said, "I don't need to eat the bones anymore. I am not hungry."
What would I eat, what would you eat, if we were truly hungry? I wonder.
Wow! Reality huh?... I was wondering the other day how long will my 2 chant Theo's name in the back seat when we are riding in the van? Lol!