So, this transition has probably been the worse on Zach. He doesn't handle change too well. This has been hard, because our vision of what was going to happen was that he and Theo being the same age, would become best buds.
The reality was different. These two boys have very different interests and while they seem to have developed a mutual respect for the others talents, it hasn't been exactly friendship.
Lately there have been some subtle changes: Theo begging Zach to come with him and his friends to the gas station for treats, Zach inviting Theo to go TPing with him and his buddies, more talking, more laughing, more private jokes.
Last night, very late into the night, I could hear the low rumble of Theo's voice coming from downstairs. I went down to tell him to be quiet and get some sleep, but I paused at the door. Zach and Theo were just gabbing away about friends, school, whatever.
I know it was a school night, but I snuck away, saying nothing. I could still hear the low rumble as I fell asleep, and right now the screen is blurry from happy tears. It is coming together.