Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Best Friends"

Hooray for Basketball and bike riding and friendly neighborhood children!!!! Theo has been outside with Ben and some of the kids in the neighborhood a couple of times yesterday and today..

Last night he came in with a huge smile and informed me that Nathan Wilson was going to be his new best friend here. Oh the joy of making anew friend in a new place! Oh the happiness in this mother's heart!

Today there were a bunch of kids playing outside, including most of ours. Kyle said it warmed his heart to hear so many calls of, "Theo, come play with us," and "Theo is on our team."

Truly any transition can only be helped by good and kind friends!

This afternoon, I am smiling!


  1. I love your new blog and I love reading stories of how everyone is adjusting. It was what I was looking forward to! just need to add pictures!!! Wishing you all the best!

  2. You are so right! It is so wonderful to have other friends and kids welcoming and filling up some lost faces! Funny on the other post about the "I beg you" What a process! Wow, sounds like you hit the ground running--do you thrive on jet lag :0)

  3. Adrienne, As an adoptive mom, I have loved following your story. And what a pleasure it was to be able to meet your new additions to your family today! You and Kyle are amazing and I want to be just like you when I grow up!

    Debbie McEwen
