Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kisses and the Liberian Pout

So, today we had our ups and downs.

The high point was Sophie, who has been a little spooked by Theo and Blessing, giving them each kisses completely without prompting or encouragement. That made me so happy.

Another high point was Theo asking me for leftovers from last night's dinner, fried chicken and Spanish rice, for lunch and telling me he really liked them. It has been hit or miss finding foods that he likes. It was nice to score a homerun!

The low point was Theo telling me that Blessing doesn't like Ben. She proved it by hitting him, shoving him, ripping things out of his hands and telling him to "shut up." I had to put her in a 10 minute time out. She is now giving me a sample of the "Liberian pout" of which I have heard. With all of her talkative personality, she is now treating me to the silent treatment. I wonder how long that will last?

In the middle was the struggle to decide how to handle the kids education. Theo wants to get to school. I think he will be okay. He can read very well and that is the key to learning anything.

Blessing cannot read. Second grade seems to be a little advanced, but the district is insisting on age appropriate class assignment. I have looked into home schooling opportunities and they are numerous, but she is so social that I want her to make friends.

We have an appointment at the school tomorrow to feel things out. I hope they like the school and feel good about it, but if not we will seek out other opportunities. They are both very bright kids and will catch on quickly.

So, this is the day! Good, Bad, Normal, and Exceptional. I guess that's how we know we are alive!


  1. So glad you started this blog! My only thoughts from this side is that this sounds totally normal! We are all familiar with the idea when a newborn comes into the home, there is often a time when the other kids and everyone have mixed feelings and things are turned upside down. How much when other factors come into play. You are such a thoughtful Mom, I bet the your family work through things even better because of that. Here's to the journey ahead,little kisses, and the family God has put together! Hope the school trip goes well!! Jenni S.

  2. Even though it seems hard getting adjusted, its so great to hear of stories of your family finally being together :) I laughed as I read about Blessing, I remember seeing something like that with one of the boys at the AFAA house while we were in Liberia. Good to hear about the kisses and hope the pouts don't last long! Can't wait for more stories!

  3. Adrienne: Awesome new blog. I love this idea. I thought you didn't get home till Sunday. I can't wait to talk to you. Love you.
